Hallam’s product prototype development team has helped to design, prototype and develop new products for a wide range of market sectors ranging from computer monitor screen arms and an encrypted computer hard disc drive to animal ear taggers and a motorised hospital patient trolley, as well as a wide range of original die cast components for new and established products.
Hallam’s team uses leading edge computer technology to develop prototypes and works closely on design issues with the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), which provides highly sophisticated concept design, simulation and testing facilities.
Recent Prototypes…
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Concept to Completion
Hallam works on product prototype projects at the concept stage, and our involvement has led to the development of strong links with customers who now trust and rely on Hallam to provide a wide range of prototype development and product design solutions.
Recent product prototype development projects include the safety light developed for the London underground system, and a new LED based floodlighting system for industrial and commercial use.
Hallam’s expertise in component assembly also provides customers with valuable feedback when product prototype components are being tested and assessed from an assembly perspective and leads to the emergence of efficient assembly regimes.
Advanced UK Prototyping Services
Hallam’s prototype development team has extensive experience in helping customers design, prototype, and develop a wide variety of products ranging from computer arms and computer hard disc drives to animal ear taggers and motorised hospital patient trolleys. Hallam also develops completely original die-cast components and assemblies for OEM products.
“Ground Floor” Trusted Prototype Development
Hallam begins prototype development at the concept stage, leading to long-lasting relationships with customers. Recent examples of joint working include the development of a safety light for the London Underground system and a new LED-based floodlighting system for industrial and commercial applications.
A Leading UK Prototype Manufacturing Company
Hallam is a UK prototype manufacturing leader, offering the highest level of prototype manufacturing and assembly support and providing advice if required during the component selection process, helping customers refine designs and develop efficient assembly regimes. The prototyping team utilises design for assembly and manufacturing principles to ensure that prototypes meet design specifications but are also optimal for lean manufacturing in volume.
Prototyping Techniques
Hallam Castings can create machined product prototypes quickly from CAD models linking via CAMWORKS to the company’s CNC machining centres – i.e. using “subtractive” processes.
Hallam can also offer other product prototype techniques including Stereolithography, Selective Laser Sintering and 3D printing – “additive” techniques – through its links to the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and the Mercury Centre, both within the University of Sheffield.
Hallam also uses sand and investment casting, laser cutting and fabrication techniques within product prototype projects.
As well as iterative form, fit and function testing within the prototyping cycle Hallam is also able to develop special aluminium and zinc alloys to provide exceptional mechanical properties or corrosion resistance within components or products.
Finite element analysis can be provided on CAD models.
Advanced Prototyping Services Ensure Product Success
Hallam’s UK prototype services deploy leading-edge computer technology to formulate and design prototypes with precision. Design support is provided by the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, University of Sheffield, with facilities including sophisticated simulation and testing facilities.
Rapid Prototype Manufacturing
Hallam’s experience in prototype manufacturing extends across a range of techniques; machined prototypes from CAD models can quickly be created using CAMWORKS, linking directly to Hallam’s extensive range of CNC machining centres. “Additive” techniques such as stereolithography, selective laser sintering and sophisticated 3D printing, including printers availble via our link to the AMRC and the Mercury Centre at the University of Sheffield, allow rapid creation of physical models or fully functional prototypes, according to project requirements.
Prototype Development and Component Selection Process
As part of the prototype manufacturing service Hallam can develop or select special aluminium and zinc alloys offering superior mechanical properties or corrosion resistance; finite element analysis on CAD models for simulated mechanical property evaluation; and help with component selection, including electronic component sourcing, helping to ensure high quality in all aspects of product development.
Case studies
If you would like to view any of our case studies click below.
Hallam uses both “subtractive” methods such as CNC machining, and “additive” methods. Among the additive techniques Hallam offers are stereolithography, selective laser sintering, and 3D printing.
Hallam’s expertise in finished product manufacture and assembly allows the company to provide valuable feedback during the component selection process, ensuring efficient, value for money, sustainable and practical product and prototype solutions.
Hallam selects or develops special aluminium and zinc alloys to meet specific customer product requirements for mechanical properties or corrosion resistance.